The design of this mobility scooter has been thought through in order to deliver a very light EV, easy to disassemble to put it in your trunk or store it during colder periods. It is easy and light o do so and makes it a very smart scooter.
From the control panel, twist the speed button to your liking to adapt to your riding style, your terrain and your environment and get to top speeds of 3.8 mph. The lightweight body will also help the motor and battery to deliver acceleration, even on inclined floors, of 6° / 10% and for up to 8 miles.
Equipped with small features making a huge difference, this scooter will deliver a lot of comfort and convenience to riders. It starts with getting on and off the scooter, thanks to reclinable armrest, you will have more ease to install yourself, it continueswith the large and resistant front basket, keep an eye on it and put your bags in it in order to ride your scooter freely.
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